Quran:An-Nur 24:56 (en en2 tfs tfs2)
 Establish prayer, pay alms-tax, and obey the Messenger Prayers (37) Whom should you obey ? (48)
Sahih:Muslim:173 (en en2)
 He has given the 5 prayers and remission of serious sin for those who don't associate Islam's 5 Pillars (16) Prayers (37) Shirk, association, idolâtrie (12)
Sahih:Abu Dawud:494 (en en2)
 Command a boy to pray at seven, then at ten beat him for prayer Childhood (10) Prayers (37) Other castigations (13)
Sahih:Abu Dawud:641 (en en2)
 Prayer of woman who has reached puberty are accepted only if she wears a veil The veil (14) Prayers (37)
Sahih:Abu Dawud:4174 (en en2)
 The prayer of a woman who uses perfume is not accepted until she takes a bath Prayers (37)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:511 (en en2)
 Prayer is annulled by a dog, a donkey and a woman Dogs (15) Prayers (37)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:552 (en en2)
 Missing the Asr prayer intentionally, it is like you lost family and property Legacy (5) Prayers (37)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:553 (en en2)
 Whoever leaves the asr prayer all his good deeds will be annuled The Last Judgment (22) Prayers (37)
Sahih:An Nasai:1312 (en en2)
 He saw a man who had been praying with a bad bow for forty years Prayers (37)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:946 (en en2)
 None should offer the Asr prayer but at Banu Qurayza Prayers (37) Ghazwa de Bani Mustaliq (18) The Massacre of Banu Qurayza (11)
Quran:An-Nisa 4:101 (en en2 tfs tfs2)
 You can shorten the prayer, if you fear an attack by the disbelievers Islam's 5 Pillars (16) Prayers (37) Meccreants and polytheists (71)
Quran:At-Tawbah 9:84 (en en2 tfs tfs2)
 Do not stand at a grave or pray over any disbeliever who has died, they are dead perverse Prayers (37) Loyalty and disavowal (29)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:135 (en en2)
 When a person who passes wind while praying, he must redo the ablution Prayers (37)
Sahih:Abu Dawud:1114 (en en2)
 If you becomes defiled with Hadath (Breaking winds) during prayer, hold your nose and turn away Prayers (37) Fart (5)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:608 (en en2)
 Satan passes wind with noise in order not to hear the Adhan Free will (25) Prayers (37) Fart (5) Funny stories (20)
Sahih:Abu Dawud:482 (en en2)
 I came to the Messenger who was saying prayer. He spat beneath his left foot. Prayers (37)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:3207 (en en2)
 Mohamed flew on Al-Buraq, then went to paradise to negociate with Allah the number of prayers. God is unfair (36) Prayers (37) The 7 heavens (17) Funny stories (20)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:1008 (en en2)
 The Prophet was requested to pray for rain and he was addressed as a white person Prayers (37) Racism (11)
Sahih:Muslim:289a (en en2)
 The Messenger of Allah washed the semen and then went out for prayer in that very garment Last 2 Months (56) Mohamed deeds and examples (26) Prayers (37)
Sahih:Abu Dawud:68 (en en2)
 Perform ablution with the bath water of a sexually defiled woman is ok: Water is not defiled Last 2 Months (56) Prayers (37)
Sahih:Abu Dawud:66 (en en2)
 We can perform ablution out of a well where menstrual clothes and dead dogs, because Water is pure Dogs (15) Prayers (37)
Quran:Al-Baqarah 2:143 (en en2 tfs tfs2)
 We change direction of prayer to distinguish those who would remain faithful Prayers (37)
Quran:Al-Baqarah 2:144 (en en2 tfs tfs2)
 You turn your face in all directions. So we point you in a direction that pleases you. Prayers (37)
Quran:Al-Baqarah 2:142 (en en2 tfs tfs2)
 The weak-minded will say: "Who turned them away from the previous direction?" Prayers (37)