

Quran An-Nur(The Light) 24:56 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Prayers (39) Whom should you obey ? (56)
Establish prayer, pay alms-tax, and obey the Messenger
Hadith Muslim 173 (en en2) Islam's 5 Pillars (22) Prayers (39) Shirk, association, idolâtrie (12)
He has given the 5 prayers and remission of serious sin for those who don't associate
Hadith Abu Dawud 494 (en en2) Childhood (17) Prayers (39) Other Punishment (15)
Command a boy to pray at seven, then at ten beat him for prayer
Hadith Abu Dawud 495 (en en2) Command your children to pray at seven, beat them for it when they become ten
Hadith Abu Dawud 641 (en en2) The veil (18) Prayers (39)
Prayer of woman who has reached puberty are accepted only if she wears a veil
Hadith Abu Dawud 4174 (en en2) Prayers (39)
The prayer of a woman who uses perfume is not accepted until she takes a bath
Hadith An Nasai 5128 (en en2) If a woman has perfumed with incense, let her not attend prayer
Hadith An Nasai 5131 (en en2) If any one of you goes out to the Masjid, let her not go near perfume
Hadith Al Bukhari 511 (en en2) Women's inequality (25) Dogs (18) Prayers (39)
Prayer is annulled by a dog, a donkey and a woman
Hadith Al Bukhari 514 (en en2) Prayer is annulled by a dog, a donkey and a woman
Hadith Ibn Majah 952 (en en2) The prayer is severed by a woman, a donkey, and a black dog
Hadith Muslim 510a (en en2) Prayer is cut off by a woman, a black dog or an ass
Hadith Al Bukhari 552 (en en2) Prayers (39)
Missing the Asr prayer intentionally, it is like you lost family and property
Hadith Al Bukhari 553 (en en2) The Last Judgment (23) Prayers (39)
Whoever leaves the asr prayer all his good deeds will be annuled
Hadith An Nasai 1312 (en en2) Prayers (39)
He saw a man who had been praying with a bad bow for forty years
Hadith Al Bukhari 946 (en en2) Prayers (39) Banu Qurayza's massacre (12)
None should offer the Asr prayer but at Banu Qurayza
Hadith Muslim 1770 (en en2) Nobody would say his Zuhr prayer but in the quarters of Banu Qurayza
Quran An-Nisa(The Women) 4:101 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Islam's 5 Pillars (22) Prayers (39) Miscreants and polytheists (74)
You can shorten the prayer, if you fear an attack by the disbelievers
Quran At-Tawbah(The Repentance) 9:84 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Prayers (39) Loyalty and disavowal (36)
Do not stand at a grave or pray over any disbeliever who has died, they are dead perverse
Hadith Al Bukhari 135 (en en2) Prayers (39)
When a person who passes wind while praying, he must redo the ablution
Hadith Al Bukhari 6954 (en en2) Allah does not accept prayer of anyone who passes wind till he performs the ablution
Hadith Abu Dawud 1114 (en en2) Prayers (39) Fart (7)
If you becomes defiled with Hadath (Breaking winds) during prayer, hold your nose and turn away
Hadith Al Bukhari 608 (en en2) Free will (30) Prayers (39) Fart (7) Funny stories (37)
Satan passes wind with noise in order not to hear the Adhan
Hadith Al Bukhari 1231 (en en2) When the call for prayer is made, Satan passes wind so that you may not hear
Hadith Muslim 389a (en en2) Satan turns back and breaks the wind so as believers can not hear the call of prayer
Hadith Abu Dawud 482 (en en2) Prayers (39)
I came to the Messenger who was saying prayer. He spat beneath his left foot.
Hadith Al Bukhari 3207 (en en2) Mohamed's miracles and revelations (23) God is unfair (38) Prayers (39) The 7 heavens (17) Funny stories (37)
Mohamed flew on Al-Buraq, then went to paradise to negociate with Allah the number of prayers.
Hadith Al Bukhari 3887 (en en2) Mohamed went to the Seventh Heaven and hagled with Allah to bring the 50 daily prayers to five a day
Hadith Muslim 162a (en en2) Mohamed flew on Al-Buraq, then went to paradise to negociate with Allah the number of prayers.
Hadith Al Bukhari 1008 (en en2) Prayers (39) Racism (12)
The Prophet was requested to pray for rain and he was addressed as a white person
Hadith Muslim 289a (en en2) Mohamed is the best of example (28) Prayers (39)
The Messenger of Allah washed the semen and then went out for prayer in that very garment
Hadith Muslim 289b (en en2) I used to wash it from the garment of the Messenger of Allah
Hadith Abu Dawud 68 (en en2) Prayers (39)
Perform ablution with the bath water of a sexually defiled woman is ok: Water is not defiled
Hadith Abu Dawud 66 (en en2) Mohamed doctor of medicine (28) Dogs (18) Prayers (39)
We can perform ablution out of a well where menstrual clothes and dead dogs, because Water is pure
Hadith Abu Dawud 67 (en en2) Water is pure and is not defiled by excrements, menstrual clothes or dead dogs
Hadith An Nasai 327 (en en2) Performing ablutions from a well where garbage is thrown is not made impure by anything
Quran Al-Baqarah(The Cow) 2:143 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Prayers (39)
We change direction of prayer to distinguish those who would remain faithful
Quran Al-Baqarah(The Cow) 2:144 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Prayers (39)
You turn your face in all directions. So we point you in a direction that pleases you.
Quran Al-Baqarah(The Cow) 2:142 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Prayers (39)
The weak-minded will say: "Who turned them away from the previous direction?"