God says The Quran is
clear and there is no
doubt about it! Why do we need Tabari or Ibn Kathir? Why do we need any explanations from any human being about the perfect words of God? The Quran is
perfect and perfectly explained, yet some of the verses are only understood by God (
3:7). How many contradictions or errors should be present in a perfect book from an omnipotent God (
4:82)? The worst verse of the quran is
11:1, the book has to many errors to be called 'perfect'
Quran Fussilat(Explained in Detail) 41:44 (en en2 tfs tfs2) The Coran is Clear (35) Had We revealed it as a non-Arabic, they would argued, "If only it was made clear in our language"
And if We had made it a non-Arabic Qur'an, they would have said, "Why are its verses not explained in detail [in our language]? Is it a foreign [recitation] and an Arab [messenger]?" Say, "It is, for those who believe, a guidance and cure." And those who do not believe - in their ears is deafness, and it is upon them blindness. Those are being called from a distant place. - Quran Fussilat(Explained in Detail) 41:44 (islam)
Alif, Lam, Ra. [This is] a Book whose verses are perfected and then presented in detail from [one who is] Wise and Acquainted. - Quran Hud(Hud) 11:1 (islam)
Quran Al-Hadid(The Iron) 57:9 (en en2 tfs tfs2) He sends down clear revelations
It is He who sends down upon His Servant [Muhammad] verses of clear evidence that He may bring you out from darknesses into the light. And indeed, Allah is to you Kind and Merciful. - Quran Al-Hadid(The Iron) 57:9 (islam)
Quran Al-Hajj(The Pilgrimage) 22:16 (en en2 tfs tfs2) We revealed this Quran as clear verses, Allah certainly guides whoever He wills
And thus have We sent the Qur'an down as verses of clear evidence and because Allah guides whom He intends. - Quran Al-Hajj(The Pilgrimage) 22:16 (islam)
Quran Al-Hajj(The Pilgrimage) 22:72 (en en2 tfs tfs2) When our clear revelations are recited, you will see rage on their faces
And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, you recognize in the faces of those who disbelieve disapproval. They are almost on the verge of assaulting those who recite to them Our verses. Say, "Then shall I inform you of [what is] worse than that? [It is] the Fire which Allah has promised those who disbelieve, and wretched is the destination." - Quran Al-Hajj(The Pilgrimage) 22:72 (islam)
Quran Al-Hijr(The Rocky Tract) 15:1 (en en2 tfs tfs2) These are the verses of the Book, the clear Quran
Alif, Lam, Ra. These are the verses of the Book and a clear Qur'an. - Quran Al-Hijr(The Rocky Tract) 15:1 (islam)
Quran Al-Qasas(The Stories) 28:2 (en en2 tfs tfs2) These are the verses of the clear Book
These are the verses of the clear Book. - Quran Al-Qasas(The Stories) 28:2 (islam)
Quran An-Nahl(The Bee) 16:44 (en en2 tfs tfs2) We sent to the people of the book clear proofs and divine Books
[We sent them] with clear proofs and written ordinances. And We revealed to you the message that you may make clear to the people what was sent down to them and that they might give thought. - Quran An-Nahl(The Bee) 16:44 (islam)
Quran An-Nahl(The Bee) 16:89 (en en2 tfs tfs2) We have revealed to you the Book as an explanation of all things
And [mention] the Day when We will resurrect among every nation a witness over them from themselves. And We will bring you, [O Muhammad], as a witness over your nation. And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things and as guidance and mercy and good tidings for the Muslims. - Quran An-Nahl(The Bee) 16:89 (islam)
Quran An-Naml(The Ant) 27:1 (en en2 tfs tfs2) These are the verses of the Quran; the clear Book
Ta, Seen. These are the verses of the Qur'an and a clear Book - Quran An-Naml(The Ant) 27:1 (islam)
Quran An-Nur(The Light) 24:34 (en en2 tfs tfs2) We have sent down to you clear revelations, along with examples
And We have certainly sent down to you distinct verses and examples from those who passed on before you and an admonition for those who fear Allah. - Quran An-Nur(The Light) 24:34 (islam)
Quran An-Nur(The Light) 24:46 (en en2 tfs tfs2) We have sent revelations clarifying the truth
We have certainly sent down distinct verses. And Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path. - Quran An-Nur(The Light) 24:46 (islam)
Quran Ash-Shu'ara(The Poets) 26:192-195 (en en2 tfs tfs2) This is certainly a revelation from the Lord of all worlds in a clear Arabic tongue
[192]And indeed, the Qur'an is the revelation of the Lord of the worlds.
[193]The Trustworthy Spirit has brought it down
[194]Upon your heart, [O Muhammad] - that you may be of the warners -
[195]In a clear Arabic language. - Quran Ash-Shu'ara(The Poets) 26:192-195 (islam)
Quran Ash-Shu'ara(The Poets) 26:2 (en en2 tfs tfs2) These are the verses of the clear Book
These are the verses of the clear Book. - Quran Ash-Shu'ara(The Poets) 26:2 (islam)
Quran Az-Zumar(The Groups) 39:23 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Allah sent a Book of perfect consistency and repeated lessons
Allah has sent down the best statement: a consistent Book wherein is reiteration. The skins shiver therefrom of those who fear their Lord; then their skins and their hearts relax at the remembrance of Allah. That is the guidance of Allah by which He guides whom He wills. And one whom Allah leaves astray - for him there is no guide. - Quran Az-Zumar(The Groups) 39:23 (islam)
Quran Az-Zumar(The Groups) 39:28 (en en2 tfs tfs2) It is a Quran revealed in Arabic without any crookedness
[It is] an Arabic Qur'an, without any deviance that they might become righteous. - Quran Az-Zumar(The Groups) 39:28 (islam)
Quran Fussilat(Explained in Detail) 41:3 (en en2 tfs tfs2) A Book whose verses are perfectly explained, a Quran in Arabic for people who know
A Book whose verses have been detailed, an Arabic Qur'an for a people who know, - Quran Fussilat(Explained in Detail) 41:3 (islam)
Quran Yusuf(Joseph) 12:1 (en en2 tfs tfs2) These are the verses of the clear Book
Alif, Lam, Ra. These are the verses of the clear Book. - Quran Yusuf(Joseph) 12:1 (islam)
And We certainly know that they say, "It is only a human being who teaches the Prophet." The tongue of the one they refer to is foreign, and this Qur'an is [in] a clear Arabic language. - Quran An-Nahl(The Bee) 16:103 (islam)
Hadith Al Bukhari 5038 (en en2) The Coran is Clear (35) A man reciting the Qur'an says; Mohamed has reminded me verses I was caused to forget
Chapter: Forgetting the Qur'an. And can one say: “I forgot such and such a Verse?
Narrated Aisha:
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) heard a man reciting the Qur'an at night, and said, "May Allah bestow His Mercy on him, as he has reminded me of such-and-such Verses of such-and-such Suras, which I was caused to forget." - Hadith Al Bukhari 5038 (islam)
And We did not send any messenger except [speaking] in the language of his people to state clearly for them, and Allah sends astray [thereby] whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. - Quran Ibrahim(Abraham) 14:4 (islam)
And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember? - Quran Al-Qamar(The Moon) 54:17 (islam)
Quran Al-Qamar(The Moon) 54:22 (en en2 tfs tfs2) We have certainly made the Quran easy to remember
And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember? - Quran Al-Qamar(The Moon) 54:22 (islam)
Quran Al-Qamar(The Moon) 54:32 (en en2 tfs tfs2) We have certainly made the Quran easy to remember
And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember? - Quran Al-Qamar(The Moon) 54:32 (islam)
Quran Al-Qamar(The Moon) 54:40 (en en2 tfs tfs2) We have certainly made the Quran easy to remember
And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember? - Quran Al-Qamar(The Moon) 54:40 (islam)
Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction. - Quran An-Nisa(The Women) 4:82 (islam)
[101]O you who have believed, do not ask about things which, if they are shown to you, will distress you. But if you ask about them while the Qur'an is being revealed, they will be shown to you. Allah has pardoned that which is past; and Allah is Forgiving and Forbearing.
[102]A people asked such [questions] before you; then they became thereby disbelievers. - Quran Al-Ma'idah(The Table Spread) 5:101-102 (islam)
It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah. But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding. - Quran Ali 'Imran(The Family of Imran) 3:7 (islam)
Chapter: The talk of opponents against each other
Narrated `Umar bin Al-Khattab:
I heard Hisham bin Hakim bin Hizam reciting Surat-al-Furqan in a way different to that of mine. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) had taught it to me (in a different way). So, I was about to quarrel with him (during the prayer) but I waited till he finished, then I tied his garment round his neck and seized him by it and brought him to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) and said, "I have heard him reciting Surat-al-Furqan in a way different to the way you taught it to me." The Prophet (ﷺ) ordered me to release him and asked Hisham to recite it. When he recited it, Allah s Apostle said, "It was revealed in this way." He then asked me to recite it. When I recited it, he said, "It was revealed in this way. The Qur'an has been revealed in seven different ways, so recite it in the way that is easier for you." - Hadith Al Bukhari 2419 (islam)
And there is no creature on [or within] the earth or bird that flies with its wings except [that they are] communities like you. We have not neglected in the Register a thing. Then unto their Lord they will be gathered. - Quran Al-An'am(The Cattle) 6:38 (islam)
So, [O Muhammad], We have only made Qur'an easy in the Arabic language that you may give good tidings thereby to the righteous and warn thereby a hostile people. - Quran Maryam(Mary) 19:97 (islam)
This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah - Quran Al-Baqarah(The Cow) 2:2 (islam)
Quran Al-An'am(The Cattle) 6:114 (en en2 tfs tfs2) You were given the Scripture, you know it's true, do not doubt
[Say], "Then is it other than Allah I should seek as judge while it is He who has revealed to you the Book explained in detail?" And those to whom We [previously] gave the Scripture know that it is sent down from your Lord in truth, so never be among the doubters. - Quran Al-An'am(The Cattle) 6:114 (islam)
Quran Al-Baqarah(The Cow) 2:147 (en en2 tfs tfs2) The truth is from your Lord, so never be among the doubters
The truth is from your Lord, so never be among the doubters. - Quran Al-Baqarah(The Cow) 2:147 (islam)
Quran Ash-Shuraa(The Consultation) 42:7 (en en2 tfs tfs2) We have revealed to you a Quran in Arabic, about which there is no doubt
And thus We have revealed to you an Arabic Qur'an that you may warn the Mother of Cities [Makkah] and those around it and warn of the Day of Assembly, about which there is no doubt. A party will be in Paradise and a party in the Blaze. - Quran Ash-Shuraa(The Consultation) 42:7 (islam)