

Bible Leviticus 21:18-21 (en) Rules, laws and sharia (29)
A dwarf, hunchback, blind, disfigured, with any defects must not come near God
Hadith Al Bukhari 6915 (en en2) Rules, laws and sharia (29)
No Muslim should be killed in Qisas (equality in punishment) for killing a Kafir
Hadith Al Bukhari 6922 (en en2) Mohamed's violence (29) Rules, laws and sharia (29) Whom should you obey ? (56) The punishment of the disbeliever (12) Apostats (32)
Ali killed atheists, Mohamed said, whoever changed his Islamic religion, kill him
Hadith Abu Dawud 4352 (en en2) The blood of a Muslim man should not be lawfully shed unless for the one who deserts his religion
Hadith Al Bukhari 3017 (en en2) If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him
Hadith An Nasai 4058 (en en2) You cannot shed the blood of a Muslim except if they reverts to Kufr after having accepted Islam
Hadith An Nasai 4059 (en en2) The Messenger of Allah [SAW] said: 'Whoever changes his religion, kill him.'
Hadith An Nasai 4062 (en en2) The Messenger of Allah said: Whoever changes his religion, kill him
Hadith Ibn Majah 2535 (en en2) Whoever changes his religion, execute him
Quran Al-Ma'idah(The Table Spread) 5:87 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Rules, laws and sharia (29)
Do not forbid the good things which Allah has made lawful for you
Hadith Al Bukhari 2697 (en en2) Rules, laws and sharia (29)
Do not innovate something which is not in harmony with Islam, it will be rejected
Hadith Muslim 672 (en en2) Rules, laws and sharia (29) The Coran is a guide (12) Whom should you obey ? (56)
If there are 3 persons, the best versed in the Book should act as Imam
Hadith Muslim 673 (en en2) The one who is most versed in Allah's Book should act as Imam for the people
Bible Ephesians 6:11-17 (en) Rules, laws and sharia (29)
Put on the full armor of God against the rulers, the authorities and Evil
Bible Matthew 6:5 (en) Rules, laws and sharia (29)
Don't pray standing in the synagogues, the street corners to be seen by others
Hadith Al Bukhari 7288 (en en2) Rules, laws and sharia (29)
The people who were before you were ruined because of their questions
Hadith Muslim 49 (en en2) Rules, laws and sharia (29)
Something abominable should be modify by hand, by the tongue then by faith
Hadith Al Bukhari 2664 (en en2) Childhood (17) Rules, laws and sharia (29)
I was 15 when allowed to join a battle, It's the limit between childhood and manhood
Quran Al-Isra(The Night Journey) 17:33 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Rules, laws and sharia (29)
Do not take a life made sacred by Allah, except with legal right
Bible Exodus 21:22-25 (en) Rules, laws and sharia (29)
if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye etc.
Bible Deuteronomy 23:1 (en) Rules, laws and sharia (29)
No one who has been emasculated may enter the assembly of the Lord.
Hadith Tirmidhi 108 (en en2) Aïsha, the brave child (65) Aisha's chilhood (31) Rules, laws and sharia (29) Circumcision (6) Hygiene, hair (15)
When the excised meets the circumcised, the Ghusl is obligatory. The Prophet and Aïsha did it
Hadith Ibn Majah 608 (en en2) When the two circumcised parts meet, then bath is obligatory. The Messenger of Allah and I did that
Hadith Tirmidhi 109 (en en2) When the circumcised meets the circumcised then Ghusl is required.
Quran An-Nisa(The Women) 4:24 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Mut'ah, Temporary mariage (7) Wedding big curiosities (18) Slavery (30) Nikka, Sex with Slaves (20) Sabaya, sex slave (21) Rules, laws and sharia (29) Fornication (11) Prostitution (6) Woman is a sex object (46) Ghazwa of Bani Mustaliq (9)
You can't have sex (nikka lawfull sex) with married women, unless they are your slave
Quran Al-Furqan(The Criterion) 25:68 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Rules, laws and sharia (29) Shirk, association, idolâtrie (12) Fornication (11) Loyalty and disavowal (36)
Those who associate, take a life, commit fornication, will face penalty
Quran Al-Kahf(The Cave) 18:23-24 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Rules, laws and sharia (29)
Never say of anything, I will definitely do this tomorrow, without adding, if Allah so wills!
Fiqh Rissala 37.19 (en) Rules, laws and sharia (29) Samuel Paty (19) Blasphemers (26)
A Muslim is not killed for an unbeliever but an unbeliever is killed for a Muslim
Fiqh Umdat o1.2 (en) Rules, laws and sharia (29) Samuel Paty (19) Blasphemers (26) Apostats (32)
There is not retaliation for a muslim when killing an apostate, an offspring or a non muslim