

Hadith Muslim 2312a (en en2) Hadith (39) Mohamed businessman (10) Proselytism in Islam (23) Funny stories (36)
People embrace Islam because Mohammed is very charitable, he is not afraid of need.
Hadith Tirmidhi 11 (en en2) Mohamed deeds and examples (30) Mohamed businessman (10) Toilet behaviour (26)
I saw the Prophet relieving himself his back toward the Ka'bah.
Hadith Al Bukhari 148 (en en2) I saw Allah's Messenger answering the call of nature facing Sham with his back towards the Kaaba
Hadith Ibn Majah 320 (en en2) the Messenger of Allah forbade facing the Qiblah when defecating or urinating
Hadith Al Bukhari 335 (en en2) Mohamed businessman (10)
Allah made war booty hallal for Mohamed, a prophet to all mankind
Quran Al-Anfal(The Spoils of War) 8:41 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Mohamed businessman (10)
1/5 of the war booty is for Allah and Mohamed
Quran Al-Hashr(The Exile) 59:7 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Mohamed businessman (10)
As for gains, they are for Allah and the Messenger, what he gives, take it
Hadith Muslim 1668a (en en2) Mohamed businessman (10) Makutaba, freed (17)
Mohamed casted lots amongst six emancipated slaves, returning 4 of them to slavery
Hadith Abu Dawud 3958 (en en2) A man wanted to free 6 slaves but the prophet drew lots and freed only 2
Hadith An Nasai 1958 (en en2) A man freed six slaves when he was dying, the prophet cast lot among them, freeying two