

Circumcision is obligatory in Islam (e4.3) by order of Mohamed (see 5271), Even Aisha was excised (see 108)
Sahih:Abu Dawud:5271 (en en2)
 Mohamed condones and legislate female circumcision Circumcision (3)
Sahih:Tirmidhi:108 (en en2)
 When the excised meets the circumcised, the Ghusl is obligatory. The Prophet and Aïsha did it Mohamed's description (22) Aïsha, the brave child (61) Aisha's chilhood (23) Rules, laws and sharia (24) Circumcision (3) Hygiene, hair (9)
Fiqh:Umdat:e4.3 (en)
 Circumcision is obligatory for both men and women. Last 2 Months (62) Circumcision (3)